Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2

In this blog:
     Weekly concept notes
     weekly assignment description
     practice assignments descriptions
Weekly concept: Demonstratives & Possessives "this/that" & "yours/mine"

Weekly Assignment - due friday
     Description - using 20 words(10 demonstratives/10 possessives) create a diagram of a college apartment. use each spanish word correctly in a sentence. This could be a drawing, or a lego building, or a cake - just make sure that the spanish is accurate.

Practice assignments: 
     1.Cultural extension - due thursday
     2.Vocabulary - this weeks and last weeks quizzed in class friday.
     3.Try ten - work through wednesday in class
1.Cultural extension
Historical Context                                                Individuals/history            El cid or hernan cortes

Analyze the impact of selected historical figures and events on the target culture.   


Geographical Context                         Place/Politics                    Castile, Spain or AndalucĂ­a, Spain

 Examine geopolitical regions selected from the target culture (e.g., focus on a city, geographical entity).


Cultural Context     Distinct groups/values/beliefs                                                       conquistadores

 Identify unique cultural aspects of regions in the target culture (e.g., food, holidays, customs, celebrations).




2. Vocabulary


 3.T.R.Y. 10                                                                                               Name ________________

TRY stands for Translate, Respond, and “y?”. You will be given ten questions in English. You need to translate them into Spanish, write an appropriate response to each question in Spanish, and then explain why the verb in each response is conjugated in the way you have done.

1.       Is that your book?




2.       Where is my book?




3.       When is our math class?




4.       Who owes her money?




5.       Is that mountain in wesier?




6.       How many are there in your family?




7.       Are those pens ours?




8.       Where are my pants?




9.       Is that your favorite food?




10.    Are these books your fathers?




Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 1

Welcome students. Please look through the materials.

Assignment Schedule
Weekly form: Try 10/Cultural Extension

This week:
Conjugation notes
TRY 10 Answers
Cultural Extension presentation
Vocabulary quiz